This puzzle consists of several mini-metas and a mini-supermeta. Each mini-meta takes exactly one feeder. The feeder answers are all words that can appear on the Transmitted Morse module.
Feeder: DETONATE (Citing Sources)
The title and flavor text hint at the A-maze-ing Buttons module. The table present is the exact size as the maze in that module. The yellow coloring of the letters and the feeder tell us that we are looking for yellow detonate buttons. Taking every letter in the puzzle's grid where its corresponding position in A-maze-ing Buttons is a yellow detonate, and reading them in reading order, gives the solution EIGHT.
Feeder: BOOM (Fun with Numbers)
Reading the grid clockwise going in spells out a long phrase, with some words missing. Plugging the feeder into the first space allows us to fill in the rest of the gaps. The numbers along the bottom provide enumeration for every word, except the feeder and the solution. The final word that gets plugged in is the solution.
Use... | BOOM |
on... | DOCSPLODE |
which has the typing... | NORMAL |
which is half as effective against... | ROCK |
and the only one with that is... | MOUNTOISE |
who is normal if there's a... | STRIKE |
and a broken module with fake ones is... | DOUBLE-OH |
the harder variant has a... | CURSE |
which is a type in... | HOLD UPS |
the fourth regular module by the same author is... | THE RADIO |
the second word of which can be found in... | ZONI |
in which the first in the second column is... | LARGE |
the only word in word scramble that has the same first letter as that one is... | LETTER |
Feeder: SHORT (Protection Package)
A grid of dancing men is provided. Each one has a hair color and an outfit from Identity Parade. Taking the letters from the dancing men that, according to their hair color and attire, would also have a short build, spells the solution.
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White, tank top | Blonde, tank top | Gray, blazer | White, tank top |
W | O | R | D |
Feeder: EQUATIONS X (New Merch!)
With Equations X as the start and Genetic Sequence, which is provided, as the end, a chain of modules can be formed. Each module shares a word with the module before it, and the other word is shared by the next module. Like the flavor text says, only one combination with the provided index yields an English word.
Module: | Index: |
THE WIRE | 5 |
The answer is DENOTING.
Feeder: MEMORY (A Puzzle from a Mad Poet)
The lengths of the rows, and the provided first letters, allow us to plug the other words in modules whose titles contain the word "memory". Reading the letters that are in colored squares in rainbow order yields the solution, PRAISE.
F | L | A | S | H | |||
G | R | A | P | H | I | C | |
H | O | R | R | I | B | L | E |
M | A | D |
The answers to the mini-puzzles form the clue phrase EIGHT LETTER WORD DENOTING PRAISE. The word being described is CONGRATS.
This is where Transmitted Morse becomes relevant. The provided grid is 20 × 3, replicating the possible submission positions. The title and the flavor text suggest that the first submission rule would be true. Entering CONGRATS as if it were the solution to a Transmitted Morse using that rule, and taking the letters in the corresponding positions in the grid, spells out this puzzle's solution.